We invite submissions that are related to the interplay of humans, algorithmic decision-making and society with a special focus on modeling interactions and their impact. In particular, we encourage submissions on the following topics:

  • Feedback loops between human and algorithmic decisions, and their long-term impacts
  • Strategic behavior and its impact on algorithmic decision-making
  • Models for human utility/preferences in the presence of non-rational behavior
  • Generative and foundation models for interpretable human behavior
  • Emergent social phenomena and complex systems
  • Modeling societal outcomes through multi-agent models, mean-field games, etc.
  • Fairness and algorithmic approaches to mitigate disparate impact

Important Dates

Submission Deadline: 31 May 2024 (Anywhere on Earth) 3 June 2024 (Anywhere on Earth)
Acceptence Notification: 17 June 2024
Camera Ready: TBD
Workshop Date: 27 July 2024

Submission Instructions

Authors can submit a 4 pages paper in ICML format (excluding references, impact statements and appendix) that will be reviewed by the program committee. The papers can present new work or give a summary of recent publications as well as papers that are currently under review. All accepted papers will be considered for the poster sessions. Outstanding papers will also be considered for a contributed talk.

Page limit: 4 pages excluding references
Paper format: ICML format, anonymous
Submission website : Open Review